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Admin Reveal_ An Evening With Miss Lady Salad - Shawn Escarciga.jpg

Admin Reveal: An Evening With Miss Lady Salad
Shawn Escarciga (Miss Lady Salad) [Shawn Escarciga]

at Brick Aux

January 25 + 26 @ 7:30pm

January 27 @ 2pm + 7:30pm

The veil between URL and IRL thins once more for ADMIN REVEAL. Darling internet pest and real life gayguy Miss Lady Salad welcomes f-slurs far and wide to journey through their valley of memes, celebrating three years of a meme-a-day (or 3) with a little talking, a little sharing, a little durational performance, 15mg of generic Lexapro, and a dream.

Created by Miss Lady Salad (Shawn Escarciga)

Miss Lady Salad (Shawn Escarciga) celebrates three years of a memes-a-day with the return of ADMIN REVEAL, a project for the terminally online and those who love them. One part elevated show and tell, one part durational performance, ADMIN REVEAL highlights 3000+ Miss Lady Salad memes and the cressy girl who made them (along with a few special guests). Prior to the evening meme-fest, Miss Lady Salad will sit for open gallery hours where guests are welcome to come take a selfie at the altar of MLS (just don’t expect to speak with the artist IRL, they’ll be busy doing stuff URL).

Find them: @missladysalad

This work was made possible, in part, by the Franklin Furnace FUND 2023-24, supported by Jerome Foundation and the members and friends of Franklin Furnace Archive.

Shawn Escarciga (Miss Lady Salad) is a multidisciplinary maker, administrator, and connector working between performance, collage/memes, comedy, and curation. Shawn's work has explored labor and class; questioning value systems and hierarchies; and ways to balance being silly with tangible moves towards equity and care. Shawn thinks a lot about classism, visibility, access, the internet, intimacy amongst f-slurs, communication, being a little shit, and what it would be like to live in a country that supports non-commercial artists and poor people. Their work has been seen throughout galleries, museums, sex parties, and DIY spaces across New York City, domestically, and abroad. They are a staff member of Visual AIDS, the founder and co-leader of the NYC Low-Income Artist and Freelancer Relief Fund, and a recent recipient of a Franklin Furnace FUND grant.

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