The Story of the Orca’s Silver Tongue as Told by the Manager of the Only Taco Bell in Juno
created in collaboration with
Anna Lublina, Nina Budabin McQuown, Lilly Kaplan,
and Lim Mui
at The Tank
January 22-23 @ 8pm
Lead Artists and Performers:
Anna Lublina
Nina Budabin McQuown
Lilly Kaplan
Lim Mui
Annie-Sage Whitehurst
Christopher Delacruz
Gabby Harrison
Anqi Zhang
Anna Slate
Lemon Guo
Leigh Akin
Victoria Rosser
The Story of the Orca’s Silver Tongue as Told by the Manager of the Only Taco Bell in Juno follows the epic tale of a whale god named Murder, the Manager of the only Taco Bell in Juno, and Frankie Bottomless, the former BFF who stole their gorgeous sparkling tongue and ran away to San Francisco. This narrative of shifting selves manifests as a transdisciplinary performance with a projected video essay, puppetry, and live choral soundscape. The cast assumes new bodies with each encounter, assembling a queer utopian world that envisions new modes for friendship, lust, and solitude.
Anna Lublina is a director, teacher, and eager warm-up participant. She embraces ideals of collectivity and community action that she first encountered in her research into the Soviet conceptualists. She has worked with the Ping + Chong Theatre Company, Meredith Monk and The House Foundation, The Wooster Group, the Motor Company, Built for Collapse, Bread and Puppet, and Errantes in Bogota, Colombia.
lim is an instigator of dreams. as a theatrical & cinematic writer, director, player, their devotion brews in the invocation of endless possibility, cosmic morality, and Hope theatre and film illuminate in minds - minds searching, minds connected. art aligns us with spirit; a union to all beings; an ascension for the healing of Earth Mother. muilim.com
Lilly Kaplan is a classical singer-cum-wishful bedroom pop star who makes coffee during the day and whose room always smells like rosewater. Having grown up studying opera as a coloratura soprano but listening to Riot Grrl, she is now interested in making music that lives somewhere at the intersection of punk and classical. Hear her music here: https:// soundcloud.com/lillilliana
Nina Budabin McQuown is a poet, essayist, and puppeteer originally from the Bronx. They are currently at work on Cruise Ship, an epic about a queer afterlife which includes the Manager’s story. They live in Washington, DC, where they create puppet shows with Wits End Puppets, edit the Hilary Tham Capital Collection for The Word Works Press, and blog at yeswehaveno.com. You can find their poetry and reviews published or forthcoming with Thethepoetry.com, SAND, The Cimarron Review, The Kenyon Review, and Hotel Amerika.
60 minutes