Panoply Performance Lab (PPL)
at Vital Joint
January 7, 14, and 21 @ 730pm
Forming a new cast of “actors” for each evening, PROTAGONY combines forms of high school debate with king drag and “Theatrum Mundi” oratory theatricality. How each actor or subject sees themselves as a protagonist in their own life informs and structures ensuing abjective inquiries into self determination, civil responsibility, self-characterization, and construction of personal narrative.
Created by: Esther Neff, Kaia Gilje
Performed by: Kaia Gilje, Esther Neff, PPL flexible ensemble
PROTAGONY stages conflicts between self and social narrative, between recognitions and presentations, and between “actors” and withdrawn “spectators.” How do narratives construct selves and vice versa? Who decides what is really going on here? How does what and who is centralized within visions of “Theatrum Mundi” materialize world(ing)s? The narrative “protagonist” position is agonizing yet powerful, dramatically saturated in suffering. Combining forms of high school debate and jury deliberation with king drag, feminist gore, and “Theatrum Mundi” oratory theatricality, PROTAGONY forms a new ensemble for each evening, using how each person sees themselves as a protagonist in their own life to structure abjective inquiries into self determination, civil responsibility, self-characterization, and an individual’s personal narrative.
$10 cash at door