2 Girls, 1 Hotdog
Hannah Kallenbach
at The Glove
Jan 24, 25 @ 8pm
Tickets available at the door.
2 girls mount an inflatable hot dog wearing mustaches, swim trunks and those bizarre t-shirts with the cartoonish woman bikini body that’s supposed to look like yours. They're kissing. All of the following prompts happen or don't.
2 girls kissing then fart sounds
2 girls kissing stop to burp
2 girls kissing stop to drink tea cups of blood and let it drool out their mouths
2 girls kissing stop to throw up hair balls
2 girls kissing stop to poke their tits and make fart sounds
2 girls kissing stop to pretend their vaginas are college dudes
2 girls kissing stop because they're gonna cum but on the climax they just fart
2 girls kissing stop because they're santa claus
2 girls kissing stop to make as many double chins as they can
2 girls kissing stop to pet each other's vagina's like they’re puppies saying “Whatta good boy".
Hannah Kallenbach:
Instead of reclaiming beauty in my grossness I want to claim my grossness as gross.