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Einst träumte ich von dir:
A Maybe-Myth of Runny Nuns
OR Once, I Dreamed of You:
A Maybe-Myth of Runny Nuns
Leonie Bell
January 13 @ 9:30pm
via The Exponential YouTube Page
on a split bill with Nic Adams + Lee Rayment’s "‘Stiff Drink!?’ with Dr. Eustice Sissy (Psy.D.), presents: 'Corona Cam Show'"
Today or was it yesterday’s dream: a mumbling, grumbling jumble of nuns reconvenes to save something: the plague-ridden plum tree out front, their soggy attitudes, themselves?
Created by Leonie Bell with LOCAL GRANDMA
An interstitial attempt to grieve our way through the negative spaces we cannot touch; dirty ditties, ritual jigs, and sympathy pains echo through this decrepit structure.
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